About me

What I do ? 

I'm an engineer by heart, and by profession.

Been always that skeptical kid in school and college who was curious on how things worked. Always fascinated by rockets and space, this curiosity intuitively led me to pursue a bachelor's in core electronics from Mumbai university, and eventually into the aerospace industry. I have worked with 2 aviation companies and an automotive company in the past 4 years ( as of writing ).

I'm a firmware engineer with an electronics touch, making me a jack of both worlds between coding monkey and wizard of wires. From crashing a basic web server to blowing up capacitors and everything in between, I have encountered numerous failures and successes in this field and hope to continue doing and learning for a long time to come. It's always fun to work on something new and interesting, solve small problems and rack your brains until the bigger ones are solved. That's the fun part of being an everyday robotics engineer, and always happy to be one :).

During the times when I'm not working I spend my time strumming chords, do road trips and love to skip rocks across a lake.  

Fun Facts ⚡

Teams Worked 


Working Hours 


Coffee Consumed 


IC's burned 
